Menu segnalibri
Roadmaps - becoming a modern developer
IBM developerWorks - Tutorials and projects
EbookFoundation - free programming books at EbookFoundation/free-programming-books
freetechbooks - Free / Open Access Online Computer Science and Programming Books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes
Education Ecosystem - The project-based learning for building real products
Sugar Labs - an activity-focused, free/libre open-source software learning platform for children
HN Academy - The Best Online Courses of Hacker News - solutions to the same task in as many different programming languages as possible - Search across a half million git repos
awesome - An awesome lists about everything from CLI applications to fantasy books
What is SAP - ERP is where companies store their core operational data. We’re talking about sales projections, purchase orders, and inventory, as well as the processes that act upon that data (e.g. paying out vendors when a purchase order is issued)
Rolstenhouse/unofficial-apis - A collection of unofficial apis. Designed to inspire your next Friday night hack
minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings - The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. - A collaborative code editor and compiler
Deskreen - Turn any device into a secondary screen
index | TIOBE - The Software Quality Company
FlutterFlow - Build Flutter Apps Visually
Popularity - Programming language with JavaScript, 5 million new developers since 2017 | ZDNet\
Static and dynamic libraries in C - A guide to understanding Linux software libraries in C\
Cloud, Containers, Emulators and Virtual Machines
Anbox - Easy Way To Run Android Apps On Linux |
Waydroid - a full Android system in a container right to your GNU/Linux desktop
remote-android/redroid-doc - Android In Container solution about Remote anDroid projects
CopperheadOS - Security features, installing apps, and more |
Sxmo - Simple X Mobile\
localstack - A fully functional local AWS cloud stack
Google Cloud Run - Deploy your side-projects at scale for basically nothing
infracost/infracost - hourly and monthly cost estimates for a Terraform or AWS project\
Vagrant and Virtual Machines
KVM/qemu - Using Vagrant to set up a VM with KVM/qemu without VirtualBox
vagrant-libvirt/vagrant-libvirt - Vagrant provider for libvirt.\
Containers - Mircosoft explains what Containers, Docker and Kubernetes are
Broken by default - why you should avoid most Dockerfile examples - A lot of Article about docker
Best Practices - Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose — Nick Janetakis
Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm - DEV Community
dockur/windows - Windows in a Docker container.\
Shell, CI, CD ed automazione
mountebank - open source tool for cross-platform, multi-protocol test;
xonsh - xon shell is based on Python, with additional syntax added that makes calling subprocess commands, manipulating the environment, and dealing with the file system easy. \
PowerShell Tutorial - Especially for People Who Hate PowerShell
Powershell - Create Folder
Powershell Tutorial for Beginners - Learn in 1 Day
about_Providers - PowerShell
PowerShell Commands Cheat Sheet - Basic Commands You’ll Need +PDF
PowerShell Remoting Over SSH - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs\
Package managers
Chocolatey - Software Management for Windows, great community packages
Chocolatey - Installing Packages Remotely with PowerShell
Cargo - the Rust package manager
Appimage, Snapcraft e Flatpak - i formati di distribuzione per Linux a confronto
Windows Package Manager - Preview\
Amazon CodeWhisperer - AI Code Generator - Making neural nets uncool again
PizzaGPT - ChatGPT per l’Italia
Michael A. Alcorn - Red Hat
Dataset list - A list of the biggest datasets for machine learning
Playing Mortal Kombat with TensorFlow.js. - Transfer learning and data augmentation
CNN Explainer - Learn Convolutional Neural Network
ml5js - Friendly Machine Learning For The Web
Teachable Machine - Google
Python Machine Learning Projects - A DigitalOcean eBook | DigitalOcean
Deeplearning4j - Deep learning and ETL for the JVM | InfoWorld
PIFuHD - Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization
MediaPipe - customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media
TensorFlow, Keras and deep learning, without a PhD -
Kaggle - Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community with over 50,000 public datasets and 400,000 public notebooks to conquer any analysis in no time
This Anime Does Not Exist -
Predicting sex from retinal fundus photographs using automated deep learning | Scientific Reports -
The Fourier transform is a neural network | sidsite -
microsoft/ML-For-Beginners - 12 weeks, 25 lessons, 50 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
Use Mozilla DeepSpeech - Enable speech to text in your application |
Text To Speech Converter - DEV Community
Skeletonise yourself with AI pose detection - DEV Community
Stable Diffusion Image generation - a Hugging Face Space by stabilityai
Scribble Diffusion -
Audiobox - Meta’s new foundation research model for audio generation. It can generate voices and sound effects using a combination of voice inputs and natural language text prompts
Suno AI - A ChatGPT for Music
Hyper SDXL - Stable Diffusion Image generation
AI - 10 Machine Learning Algorithms to Know in 2024 - DEV Community
collabora/WhisperSpeech - An Open Source text-to-speech system built by inverting Whisper.
andrewnguonly/Lumos - A RAG LLM co-pilot for browsing the web, powered by local LLMs
THUDM/CogVideo - Text-to-video generation CogVideo
AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI\
Database SQL e NoSql - GraphQL
MySQL utf8mb4 - MySQL, never use “utf8”. Use “utf8mb4”. - Adam Hooper - Medium
Modern SQL - A lot has changed since SQL-92
Learn SQL - while solving crimes! SQL Police Department
Beekeeper Studio - Free & Open Source SQL editor and database manager for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
PostgREST - a standalone web server that turns your PostgreSQL database directly into a RESTful API;
SQL Antipatterns - This book shows you all the common mistakes and errors that let to SQL inefficient, hard to maintain, and sometimes just plain wrong. This book then leads you through the best fixes
We Can Do Better Than SQL - Critique of SQL
Best practices for writing SQL queries -
EXPLAIN ANALYZE - how to interpret it in PostgreSQL - Cybertec
pg_stat_statements - Tracking down slow queries in PostgreSQL
Joining CSV and JSON data with an in-memory SQLite database -
What does First Normal Form actually mean? -
Do You Need Redis? PostgreSQL Does Queuing, Locking, & Pub/Sub -
SQLite tool - create databases from the terminal - DEV Community
incentius-foss/WhatTheDuck - WhatTheDuck is an open-source web application built on DuckDB. It allows users to upload CSV files, store them in tables, and perform SQL queries on the data.
Screwtape / sqlite-schema-diagram · GitLab - \
Create 3D games with friends - no experience required
How to use MapTool to build an interactive dungeon RPG -
Open Source Game Clones -
How I made a 3D game - in only 2KB of JavaScript | Killed By A Pixel
Ct.js - a free game editor | LEd - 2D map editor
Build a game this November with GitHub Game Off - The GitHub Blog
Learn the basics of Raycasting with JavaScript - Learn the mathematics behind the ray casting technique used in the Wolfenstein 3D source code and implement it using JavaScript -pikuma course
Introduction - Computer Graphics from scratch - Gabriel Gambetta
Kaboom!! - a fun JavaScript game programming library & environment
Coding Challenges · The Coding Train -
LDtk - Level designer Toolkit by Deepnight Games
Code Zelda in JavaScript and Kaboom.js - DEV Community
Skeletonise yourself with AI pose detection - DEV Community
Codeheir - All the programming knowledge, in one bloody brilliant site.
Phaser HTML5 Game Framework -
microStudio - Impara a programmare, crea giochi
Complete Guide to Building Games in the Browser - DEV Community
matteobruni/tsparticles: tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable particles animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available for React.js, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Inferno, Solid, Riot and Web Components.\
Oh, shit, git! - -
Add and Commit action - DEV Community
Generate semantic-release notes with GitHub Actions - DEV Community
How to use GitHub Pages to host your website, even with multiple repos - DEV Community
Creating a personal access token - GitHub Docs
Release Drafter · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub -
Add and Commit action - DEV Community
Create or Update PR Action - DEV Community
Automated versioning and package publishing using GitHub Actions and semantic-release - DEV Community
How to create a Personal Access Token - GitHub - DEV Community\
Free web hosting for Java+MySQL websites? - Quora
AdoptOpenJDK - Open source, prebuilt OpenJDK binaries
Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi -
MokaByte 111 - Le applicazioni web e Java
HttpClient - Multipart Post Method
How to Import Maven Remote Archetype Catalogs in Eclipse -
SpotBugs - spotbugs/spotbugs is FindBugs’ successor. A tool for static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.
Load environment-specific properties for use with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer? -
REST - How to GET a Cup of Coffee
How to Start Embedded HTTP Jersey server during Java Application Startup -
Oracle Java tutorial -
An example of very lightweight RESTful web services in Java | -
Modern Best Practices for Testing in Java -
JEP 392 - Packaging Tool for packaging self-contained Java applications
How do I setup GitHub Actions for my Gradle or Android project? - DEV Community
Set up CI/CD at Github for Gradle (Java) - DEV Community
A real-world example of a Stream Collector -
Teeing Stream Collector - a hidden gem in the Java API
Use this open source tool for automated unit testing | -
Java 9 Module System | Mobile & Web Programming Tutorials -
APIs and HTTP Client - Get Call With Headers | by Prem Singh Rathore | Aug, 2021 | Medium
Practice what’s new in Java - DEV Community
Parse command options in Java with commons-cli | -
Parsing config files with Java | -
10 syntax in Java You should know - DEV Community
Processing IDE and p5.js in Java - Happy Coding
Graphics for JVM @ -
binkley/modern-Java-practices - Modern Java/JVM Build Practices\
JPA Database Connection (EntityManagerFactory, EntityManager, EntityTransaction) -
Java Persistence API (JPA) Tutorials -
Standardized schema generation and data loading with JPA 2.1 -
Understanding JDBC Connection Pooling - \
Quarkus - Supersonic Subatomic Java
Using Docker from Maven and Maven from Docker - \
IO NIO NIO2 XML e serializzazione
How to Validate XML using Java - configure SAX, DOM, dom4j and XOM to validate XML Documents with DTD and Schema(s)
Java.nio - Read and write file | nio Java 1.4 Path and channels | Java Development Journal
Java.nio2 - Read and write file | nio2 Java 1.7 Asynchronous file channel | Baeldung\
How to handle static content in Spring MVC? -
read value from application properties in spring-log4j2.xml file -
JUnit 5 tutorial, part 2 - Unit testing Spring MVC with JUnit 5
Spring Boot | GraphQLize -
Implementing HTTP byte-range requests in Spring 4 and other framework -
Best Ways to Run Spring Boot app Via Console or Terminal - DEV Community
Spring Boot With GraphQL - What The Cool Kids Are Doing - DEV Community
JWT authentication in Spring Security and Angular - DEV Community
ccoloradoc/OAuth2Sample - Simple demo of Spring Security + Facebook Login
Spring Boot @ControllerAdvice & @ExceptionHandler example - BezKoder\
Java to native or WebAssembly
Mandrel - Red Hat Makes Java Native
CheerpJ - the CheerpJ compiler converts Java clients to HTML, JavaScript, and WebAssembly
i-net-software/JWebAssembly · JWebAssembly is a Java bytecode to WebAssembly compiler - \
Interactive map of Linux kernel -
Linux Kernel Teaching - The Linux Kernel documentation
Common pronunciations of Linux directories, commands, etc | -
tldr pages - A community effort to simplify the beloved man pages with practical examples
Why Windows uses \r\n newlines instead of \n - DEV Community - Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.
Linux UVC driver & tools -
securing a Linux server - 6 open source tools and tips to securing a Linux server for beginners |
KDE Store -
cron - is the cron schedule expression editor
cron - How to use cron in Linux
cron - use systemd timers instead of cronjob |
cron - Analyzing systemd calendar and timespans |
Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop -
Hosted Weblate - traduzione dei progetti software
Technical reasons to choose FreeBSD over GNU/Linux -
The script command - How To Record Everything You Do In Terminal - Dead simple testing framework for Bash with coverage reporting
viu - Simple terminal image viewer written in Rust.
OpenSSL - How to use OpenSSL - Hashes, digital signatures, and more
OpenSSL - Getting started with OpenSSL - Cryptography basics |
gocryptfs - How to encrypt files with gocryptfs on Linux |
An introduction to Udev - The Linux subsystem for managing device events |
tcpdump - An introduction to using tcpdump at the Linux command line |
awk - An intro to the great language with the strange name – IBM Developer
mplayer - Watch YouTube videos at the Linux terminal | TLP – Linux Advanced Power Management -
An important safety note about chown and symlinks (also chmod and chgrp) -
Building binary deb packages - a practical guide - Internal Pointers
Access control lists and external drives on Linux - What you need to know |
WhyTheName - It explains the strange name of linux packages
WireGuard - Getting Started
ventoy/Ventoy - A new bootable USB solution
Hosted Weblate -
ip - A beginner’s guide to network management |
UFW - configurare i limiti di connessione sul firewall
Log Management Tools - The 5 Most Notable Open Source Centralized Log Management Tools
Log Management Tools - 4 Good Open Source Log Monitoring and Management Tools for Linux
ShellCheck – shell script analysis tool -
voice2json | Command-line tools for speech and intent recognition on Linux -
GitHub orhun/gpg-tui: Manage your GnuPG keys with ease! 🔐 -
Introducing gpg-tui - a Terminal User Interface for GnuPG – orhun’s blog – Some place on the internet.
How to write idempotent Bash scripts · Fatih Arslan -
Schneegans/Desktop-Cube - A Desktop Cube for GNOME Shell
Schneegans/Burn-My-Windows - Disintegrate your windows with burning style.
mvdan/sh - A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
5 UNIX / Linux Anacron Command Example for Background Jobs -
Which open source backup solution do you use -
Tunnelmole, an ngrok alternative (open source) - SES\
opsdisk/the_cyber_plumbers_handbook - Free copy of The Cyber Plumber’s Handbook - The definitive guide to Secure Shell (SSH) tunneling, port redirection, and bending traffic like a boss
The Debian Administrator’s Handbook -
50 UNIX - Linux Sysadmin Tutorials
Capitolo 4 - Aggiornamenti da Debian 9 (stretch) -
Release Notes for Debian 10 (buster), 64-bit PC -
ssh - SSH tunnelling for fun and profit - local vs remote
The SOCKS Proxy - VPN over SSH. Some resources on the internet might be only accessible from clients with particular IP addresses
VNC to access Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi -
VNC - How to Install and Configure VNC on Debian 10 | DigitalOcean
Simple SSH Security | Disk Notifier -
OpenSSH - non-default settings from Mozilla
How to SSH Properly - DEV Community
PowerShell Remoting Over SSH - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
hms5232/ufw-log-to-csv - Convert UFW log file to csv.
cockpit-project/cockpit - Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers.
systemd by example - Part 1: Minimization - Sebastian Jambor’s blog
malicious_ip_analysis - Visualizing malicious IP addresses
Sandboxing - Sandboxing All The Things with Flatpak and BubbleBox
BubbleBox - Simple Application Sandboxing
igo95862/bubblejail - Bubblewrap based sandboxing for desktop applications
SadServers - Linux & DevOps Troubleshooting Interviews\
Minifree Laptops Ltd -
Lenovo’s Latest ThinkPad L Series and X Series Laptops - Lenovo StoryHub
Framework Laptop 16 Delivers Great Linux Support & Performance, Excellent Customizability Review - Phoronix
HDMI Driver Rejected - HDMI Forum Rejects Open-Source HDMI 2.1 Driver Support Sought By AMD - Phoronix
mjg59 - Responsible stewardship of the UEFI secure boot ecosystem
HW - USB, Thunderbolt, Displayport & docks
Main Linux problems - 2023 edition or why Linux sucks on the desktop
Linux Hardware Database - collect hardware details of Linux-powered computers\
Old computer
old computer - 8 steps to refurbish a pc with Linux
antiX Linux – an environment suitable for old computers -
Super LTS Kernel - Civil Infrastructure Platform Expands Super-Long-Term Stable Kernel Program with a 6.1-Based Series\
Microcontrollori arduino esp8266 e simulatori
Espruino - JavaScript for Microcontrollers
ESP8266 - Quick Start to Nodemcu on Arduino IDE in 3 Steps (with Pictures)
MicroBlocks - Small, Fast, Human Friendly
MicroBlocks - Program your microcontroller with MicroBlocks |
TerraPi - modular case system for Raspberry Pi supports multiple SSD’s, DIN rail, horizontal & vertical mounts
geerlingguy/pi-webcam - Automation to configure a Raspberry Pi as a USB OTG webcam
Build a motion detection system with a Raspberry Pi | -
Home Assistant - Why I use Home Assistant for open source home automation |
RetroPie - Build a retro gaming console with RetroPie |
Setting up a raspberry pi 4 home server -
Automating backups on a Raspberry Pi NAS | -
Platypush - an open-source modular platform for automation aimed to run on any device that can run a Python interpreter
The Arduino Microcontroller - Hardware and GPIO Functions - DEV Community
Let’s program the Arduino with JavaScript🤯 - DEV Community
Control a Bluetooth LE Light Bulb With Raspberry Pi -
Synpse platform - setup and control applications across hundreds or thousands of machines from a single place
OpenRGB - Open source RGB lighting control
PiBox - a NAS that lets you use a standard operating system
Setup NAS - on Raspberry Pi 4 Part 2\
Mozilla Firefox
[Remove all iframes](javascript: (function() { let iframes = document.querySelectorAll(“iframe”); let parentElement; iframes.forEach(element => { parentElement = element.parentNode; parentElement.removeChild(element); }); })();) -
[Show all links](javascript: (function() { let links = document.querySelectorAll(“a[href]”); let parentElement; links.forEach(element => { console.log(element.href); }); })();) -
Firefox mobile - about:config page
HTTPS Everywhere - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Get Bookmark Add-ons -
Improving DNS Privacy in Firefox – Firefox Nightly News -
Mobile/GeckoView - MozillaWiki
Recommended Extensions program - Firefox Help
Collabora con noi -
Come iniziare -
Firefox Voice - browse the internet with your voice
LibRedirect - A web extension that redirects YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok and other websites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends
Custom Site JS – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US) - \
flan - a lightweight network vulnerability scanner
Webmin - a web interface for system administrator
WireGuard - Configure your home VPN server with WireGuard
Glances - cross-platform monitoring tool for your system;
6 open source tools for making your own VPN | -
Turn your Raspberry Pi homelab into a network filesystem | -
Tor proxy - Set up a Tor proxy with Raspberry Pi to control internet traffic |
ProtonDrive - Centralized vs. P2P Inside ProtonDrive’s security
Use open source tools to set up a private VPN | - \
REST API Authentication - The SitePoint Forums
PHP - La Retta Via
mod_rewrite - Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion
fatal error - \
chriskiehl/Gooey - Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
se2p/pynguin - The PYthoN General UnIt Test geNerator is a test-generation tool for Python
Learning Python - Intermediate course Day 10, Complex numbers part 2 - DEV Community
Pyjion - A Python JIT Compiler
requirements.txt - Automatically manage Python dependencies with requirements.txt - DEV Community
py_regular_expressions/interactive_exercises - A GUI app written in tkinter to help you practice Python regular expressions · GitHub
annotated-types/annotated-types - Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated
Run Shell Commands - The Right Way to Run Shell Commands From Python - Martin Heinz - Personal Website & Blog
Gooey - an Universal frontend for any Language or CLI Application
Python 3.12 Preview - Static Typing Improvements – Real Python\
Privacy, Security and Hacking
PEN-200 and the OSCP Certification - Offensive Security
0x192/universal-android-debloater - Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
/e/ - un fork Android completamente de-Google-izzato
redecentralize/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form)
Aircrack-ng -
Smallstep - Bring Development Closer To Production w/ Valid HTTPS Certificates
localdots - HTTPS domains for localhost
John the Ripper - a password cracker
OWASP - Free for Open Source Application Security Tools
SadeghHayeri/GreenTunnel - GreenTunnel is an anti-censorship utility designed to bypass the DPI system that is put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites
Panopticlick - test how well you are protect against online tracking techniques
LaZagne - an open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer by Firefox, Google Chrome, Skype, Pidgin, Outlook, Thunderbird, Keepass, Tortoise, Docker, FileZilla, GNOME Keyring, Kwallet, OpenSSH, OpenVPN and more
Mimikatz - a tool to steal credentials and escalate privileges;
Python Malware - On The Rise | Cyborg Security
ZeroSSL - another free CA as an alternative to Let’s Encrypt
devol/Servizi-Decentralizzati - Elenco dei collettivi che ospitano volontariamente strumenti utilizzabili dal pubblico (o dagli attivisti) - Servizi-Decentralizzati - Gitea
Motion - a program for video surveillance known as Closed-circuit television (CCTV), it monitors the video signal from cameras and detect motion ad changes.
ZoneMinder - a state-of-the-art video surveillance software system.
Session - Private Messenger like Signal
Privacy Tools - Encryption Against Mass Surveillance\
Enhancing privacy
DuckDuckGo HTML version - a search engine without JavaScript
Google Street View - How to blur your house on Google Street View (and why you should)
Double Blind Passwords (aka Horcruxing) -
LibreDNS - a public encrypted DNS service that people can use to maintain the secrecy of their DNS traffic, but also circumvent censorship.
DoH - DNS over TLS vs. DNS over HTTPS | Secure DNS | Cloudflare
DoH - DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in
How tracking pixels work -
DuckDuckGo - What Is the Business Model for DuckDuckGo?
degoogle - A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links
Firefox Relay - Hide your real email address generating a new, random address that ends in Relay will forward messages to the primary email address
Firefox Privacy - The Complete How-To Guide | Restore Privacy
anti-fingerprinting - Firefox to add Tor Browser anti-fingerprinting technique called letterboxing
OnionShare - File Sharing sicuro e criptato con Tor e il Tool OnionShare 2
The Encrypted Email Problem - Avoid encrypted emai
The PGP Problem - Serious cryptographers don’t spend much time publishing on PGP anymore
Signal - Government Requests - Grand jury subpoena for Signal user data, Central District of California
Nabu Casa - Control your Home Assistant from anywhere\
Security vulnerability and privacy abuse
Cable Haunt - a critical vulnerability found in cable modems from various manufacturers across the world. The number of modems initially vulnerable in Europe is estimated to be close to 200 million
Gmail - Google, please publish your DKIM secret keys – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
Running in Circles - Uncovering the Clients of Cyberespionage Firm Circles, a surveillance firm that reportedly exploits weaknesses in the global mobile phone system to snoop on calls, texts, and the location of phones around the globe - The Citizen Lab
Flatpak - a security nightmare
Brave browser - it is hijacking links, and inserting affiliate codes | Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Brave browser - it doesn’t remove “Top Sites” in the homepage when clearing “History” . · Issue #9929 · brave/brave-browser
ClearURLs Addon - Unavailable on Google Chrome · Issue #102\
Scrivere documenti e conversione tra formati
Markdown syntax - quick reference
Markdown Syntax -
PDF-Markdown Preview Enhanced -
honkit/honkit - Fork of GitBook for building beautiful books using Markdown
Making an ebook - From Markdown to Kindle - David Grophland - Medium
Reveal.js - Create web tutorials with Reveal.js and Git | - converti pdf in documenti e viceversa
Zettlr - A Markdown Editor for the 21st Century
robinsloan/perfect-edition - A lightweight, responsive web e-book template
Typesetting Markdown - Part 2 Tool Review (Dave Jarvis)
Sigil-Ebook/Sigil - Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform EPUB ebook editor that uses Qt
Starboard - in-browser notebook, no code is running on the backend
charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
curlpipe/ox - An independent Rust text editor that runs in your terminal!
trailofbits/graphtage - A semantic diff utility and library for tree-like files such as JSON, JSON5, XML, HTML, YAML, and CSV
mermaid-js/mermaid-cli - Command line tool for the Mermaid library
Quarto - an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc\
Hugo static site generator
Chapter 2 Hugo - blogdown Creating Websites with R Markdown
Hugo Themes -
Laura Kalbag - Processing Responsive Images with Hugo
GitHub Actions - Deploy Hugo project to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions - tips & tricks - Hugo
GitHub Actions - Build and host a website with Git |
HTML in Markdown - Is it possible to insert HTML code in Markdown content? - support - HUGO
utterances - A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more!
Remarkbox - Hosted Comments Service
Hugo comments - Adding comments to your static blog with Mastodon
site.Params.mainSections - To list the most relevant pages on the front page | Hugo
razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap - A fast, responsive, multipurpose and feature-rich Hugo theme.
Universal | Hugo Themes - \
YAML - JSON - TOML - CSV - altri
tomnomnom/gron - Make JSON greppable!
text processing - How to remove YAML frontmatter from markdown files? - Stack Overflow
jq - Illustrated jq tutorial
CSV - Doing a SQL join with CSV files with xsv
ffs - mount a file like a fileystem | ffs
antonmedv/fx - Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer 🔥
MarkdownDown - Convert any webpage to a clean markdown
GitHub - mb21/panwriter: Markdown editor with pandoc integration and paginated preview.\
UML, architetture ed ingegneria del software
Computer science is not software engineering -
Class Visualizer - interactive class diagrams generator from Java bytecode and Kotlin bytecode - Diagram maker for developers
eUML2 Modeler - an UML flavour to Java development within Eclipse. It’s easy to generate Class and Sequence diagram from code.
AOSA Book - The Architecture of Open Source Applications
How I write backends - A document summarizes many aspects of how I write these pieces of code\
Web, web-app e servizi rest
W3C - All Standards and Drafts
Pantry Cloud - free service data storage for small projects
freeCodeCamp - Learn to Code and Help Nonprofits
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials -
Caching - Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters - Google Structured Data Testing Tool (see
Using CORS -
Test CORS Request - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Strapi - APIs in less than 5 minutes with
RESTful API - Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API. A pragmatic answers to design an API easy to use, easy to adopt and flexible enough for your client
Frontend Developers Books - updated every year, can be read online
BrowserGap - access the public internet through a browser that runs in the cloud, rather than through a browser that runs on your device. This helps protect you from attacks on the web
Microbrowsers - little thumbnail preview in a tweet or in WhatsApp chat are probably more important than google bot, can be the most influential part for attracting new audiences and increasing engagement - possibly more than SEO
Semantic Web technologies - issue e limitations
GoatCounter web analytics - Simple web statistics. No tracking of personal data
Responsively App - A Web developer’s browser to improve the developing of responsive design - A collection of tools for developers who have little to no artistic talent
Webvisum - your web helper (also for captcha)
Expo - Create universal native apps with React that run on Android, iOS, and the web
Authorization in Strapi - A Beginner’s Guide to Authentication and Authorization\
HTML HEAD - All the contents of the head tag
HTML images srcset and sizes - media queries aren’t the right tool for responsive images, srcset and sizes are
HTML images with srcset - How to Build Responsive Images with srcset
HTML images done right - Web graphics, good to the last byte — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
HTML image lazy loading - Hybrid Lazy Loading is a Progressive Migration To Native Lazy Loading
HTML images - Drop PNG and JPG for your online images Use WebP
HTML link - How to send WhatsApp message - DEV Community
HTML link - Create WhatsApp links | Walink
HTML link - Bernard No more broken links
base64 data-URI - Image to base64 data-URI converter
Unicode Converter - Unicode, decimal, and text converter
Unicode code converter -
MIME Types -
Unincode Emoji - Emoji List, latest added and proposal emoji
Lighthouse - an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages
Broken Link - Free Broken Link Checking Tool - Dead Link Checker
W3C Link Checker -
<datalist> - The HTML Data List element - HTML MDN
Spoken - Specification for Spoken Presentation in HTML
My current HTML boilerplate - Manuel Matuzović
preloading - Apply instant loading with the PRPL pattern
UTM parameters - Wikipedia\
WAI - Web Accessibility Initiative
WAI-ARIA - Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1
WAI-ARIA - A deep dive into ARIA - DEV Community
WAI-ARIA Tools - 5 tools for Designing, Developing, and Testing Accessibility - DEV Community
WAVE - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
Non Visual Access - a screen reader for testing pages for every Blind + Vision Impaired person
web accessibility - How I fixed accessibility on my website and how you can fix yours | Daniela Matos de Carvalho
Web Accessibility - A Beginner’s Guide To Web Accessibility | by Samantha Lurio | Bootcamp
WAI - 4 Ways To Improve Your Website’s Accessibility Today - DEV Community
Screen readers - hearing the unseen - DEV Community\
Learn CSS -
Floating and inline-block -
Visual formatting model -
kognise/waterCSS - A CSS without classes
CSS Grid Generator -
CSS rules - CSS rules that will make your life easier
CSS Grid Level 2 - subgrid is coming to Firefox
The CSS Mindset - Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer
Relearn CSS layout - Every Layout
CSS Custom Properties - Why we prefer CSS Custom Properties to SASS variables | CodyHouse
HTML Tables - Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS · Bradley Taunt
HTML Tables - Flexible data tables with CSS Grid
therebelrobot/awesome-bootstrap - ✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Bootstrap tools and themes.
andybrewer/mvp - MVP CSS — Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements
Drop-in Minimal CSS -
new CSS - A CSS without classes
bansal/filters - CSS only library to apply color filters. - Design less develop more. 178 tools added..more on the way.
Favicon - How to Favicon in 2021 - Six files that fit most needs Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Bootstrap Shuffle - Create Bootstrap templates in minutes
white-space - CSS Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
-webkit-line-clamp - CSS Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
Iconduck - Open source icons
iconify - app icon generator
Dark/Light Mode - Improved dark mode default styling with the color-scheme CSS property and the corresponding meta tag
Dark/Light Mode - How to toggle Dark/Light Mode using JavaScript - DEV Community
JS background - background changing using CSS animation. - DEV Community
Dark/Light Mode - Light-Dark Mode Toggle Using CSS - DEV Community
CSS Images - CSS tips on Images you need to know - DEV Community
Dark/Light Mode - A simple CSS trick for dark mode |
Dark/Light Mode - How to toggle Dark/Light Mode using JavaScript - DEV Community\
JavaScript skills - Top 5 skills to learn as a junior JavaScript developer
PracticeJS - mini JavaScript coding exercises that can be done on a phone
Deep JavaScript - Theory and techniques
JavaScript The Modern Parts - JavaScript book in 2018-2019;
jamiebuilds/tinykeys - A tiny and modern library for keybindings.
JS app - How to create a snowfall with JavaScript - DEV Community
JS app - Colorful Rain with JS - DEV Community
JS and SEO - an overview to essential SEO tags that every page should have, and implications using frameworks
DroidScript - Rapid development of mobile Apps, using JavaScript
JS ES6 - 7 ES6 Features all JavaScript Programmers Should Learn to Use - DEV Community
JS PDF - Download Browser Page as PDF using JavaScript - DEV Community
JS Error recording - How to record errors in your application to debug later - DEV Community
JS Error recording - How to record errors in your application to debug later - DEV Community
JS ES6 Features - ES6 Features all JavaScript Programmers Should Learn to Use - DEV Community\
Cloud and libraries
Pantry - Free Cloud JSON Storage API
Pantry - Use pantry with postman - JSON storage with schema validation Free 5 MB JSON Storage & Unlimited requests -
JSONsty - free data storage for small projects
Rapid API Hub - Free Public & Open Rest APIs | RapidAPI
jumpjack/greenpass - Pure JavaScript greenpass QR code decoder in browser
JS Telegram - Use Python or JavaScript to Send Your Events and Logs to Telegram via their Chatbot API - DEV Community
Poker API - Simple JSON poker API to calculate winning hand
JS GreenPass QR code - How to decode the GreenPass QR code - DEV Community
Pika Registry - The JavaScript package registry for the modern web.
OpenWeatherMap - API JSON gratuita per previsioni meteo
Protomaps - A new way to make maps with OpenStreetMap
Video.js - Make your player yours | Video.js
Chart.js - Open source HTML5 Charts for your website
qrcode.js -
cozmo/jsQR - A pure JavaScript QR code reading library. This library takes in raw images and will locate, extract and parse any QR code found within.
sachinchoolur/lightGallery - A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin.
MapLibre GL JS - A JavaScript library that uses WebGL to render interactive maps
LibreTranslate API - Free and Open Source Machine Translation API
SuperTokens - Open Source Alternative to Auth0
tarent/loginsrv - JWT login microservice with plugable backends such as OAuth2, Google, Github, htpasswd, osiam, ..\
JS Object Oriented
JavaScript OOP is weird - DEV Community
JS OOP - OOPS in JavaScript with easy to understand examples 🔥🔥 - DEV Community\
JS Collection framework
Functional JavaScript - How to use array reduce for more than just numbers
JS Array - Understanding the array methods Array.some() and Array.every() in JavaScript - DEV Community
JS Array - JavaScript Array Methods - DEV Community
JS Array - 5 Useful Array Methods in JavaScript - DEV Community\
HTML DOM - 8 DOM features you didn’t know existed - LogRocket Blog
DOM Traversal - Deep in JavaScript DOM Traversal 2 - DEV Community\
JS Fetch Promise and Async Await
JS Promises chaining -
JS Promises - JavaScript Promise methods Explained! - DEV Community
JS async-await - Migrating from promise chains to async-await and escaping the try catch hell - DEV Community
Fetch - from simple to scalable implementation - DEV Community
Fetch - This Is Your Complete Guide For Sending Requests Using fetch in JS - DEV Community\
JS APIs - 10 lesser-known Web APIs you may want to use
Permissions API - Why should you start using it? - DEV Community
Web Storage API - DEV Community
JS Speech Recognition - Using JS Speech Recognition to build a virtual assistant - DEV Community
JS APIs - Cool APIs you might not know about 😎 - DEV Community
APIs - A guide to understanding web APIs
JS modules - Working with modules in JavaScript. - DEV Community
Vibration API - Web APIs | MDN\
JS web components
JS Web Components - How we use Web Components at GitHub | The GitHub Blog
github/github-elements - GitHub’s Web Component collection.
Shoelace - A forward-thinking library of web components.
Web Components - HTMX and Web Components: a Perfect Match\
PWA - How to make your web app work offline - @adlrocha Weekly Newsletter
PWA - Implement a Progressive Web App (PWA) in your Static Website | Developer for Life
From SPA to PWA | simplabs -
PWABuilder -
nativefier - Turn any website into a Linux desktop app with open source tools |
nativefier/nativefier - Make any web page a desktop application
What PWA Can Do Today - \
LTC4 - Falling in Love with Vectors - DEV Community
ashwins-code/New-Years-Fireworks - Interactive fireworks with New Year’s countdown made with p5.js\
Three JS 3D
chandlerprall/Physijs - Physics plugin for Three.js
Space globe - Three.js - DEV Community
Physics engine - cannon.js, ammo.js, DIY…, in three.js forum
Google Earth as glTF - \
Handsfree.js -
flap.js – flappy-pose - \
quinton-ashley/p5play - p5play is a JavaScript game engine that uses p5.js for rendering and Box2D for simulating physics.\