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Fisicast - Radio Scienza
Fottuti geni - Podcast
Teorie MOND - MOdified Newtonian Dynamics
A New Map of the Standard Model of Particle Physics - Quanta Magazine
What Is the Geometry of the Universe? -
Gravity Is Not A Force - Under general relativity, gravity is a distortion of spacetime, not a force. See it in this simulation.
How Gravity Is a Double Copy of Other Forces | Quanta Magazine -
Faster than Light in Our Model of Physics - Some Preliminary Thoughts on Space, Time, Geometry of the Universe,
Machine Learning Tackles Spacetime - To unify general relativity and quantum mechanics
A star exploded so violently that it completely annihilated itself -
Twenty New Moons Found Orbiting Saturn -
The most detailed 3D map of the Universe ever made -
Renormalization group - a “theory of theories” connecting the microscopic with the macroscopic - It helps identify which big-picture quantities are useful to measure and which convoluted microscopic details can be ignored
Dark Energy - new generation of experiments about the nature of dark energy
Entropy in the Universe - entropy of interstellar and intergalactic gas and dust is about ten times more the entropy of all the stars in the observable Universe
Maybe ‘dark matter’ doesn’t exist after all - new research suggests
The assumption that the corrected luminosity supernovae would not evolve with redshift is wrong - This is the most direct and strongest evidence for the accelerating universe with dark energy is most likely in error. Astrophysical Journal - January 2020
Dark Matter - The Situation Has Changed
Dark Matter Doesn’t Exist - Pavel Kroupa » IAI TV
axial Higgs boson - Physicists discover never-before seen particle sitting on a tabletop | Live Science
Cosmology Has Some Big Problems - The field relies on a conceptual framework that has trouble accounting for new observations
Physics is stuck and needs another Einstein to revolutionize it - there is a very good chance that we are missing some very important ingredients that a brilliant person might recognize
Physicists Prove Anyons Exist - Anyons is a Third Type of Particle in the Universe (after fermions and bosons)
Particle Physicists Continue To Make Empty Promises -
Dark Matter Alternative Passes Big Test - a MOND-inspired model that accounts for the cosmic microwave background while also being consistent with gravitational lensing observations and gravitational-wave speed measurements
The Janus cosmological model - a paradigm shift (Modello cosmologico del Giano Bifronte) -
The engine of the universe- For the first time, scientists detect the ghostly signal that reveals the engine of the universe -
General Relativity - Albert Einstein, Michele Besso, and Ernst Mach Were All Vital to the Theory of General Relativity
Einstein’s missed opportunity to rid us of ‘spooky actions at a distance’ - The mysteries of length contraction and time dilation follow from the relativity principle applied to the measurement of the speed of light c, the mystery of quantum entanglement follows from the relativity principle applied to the measurement of Planck’s constant h.
What did Einstein mean by “spooky action at a distance”? -
The muon is more magnetic than predicted - Science | AAAS
Hidden Neutrino Particles - After dark matter and dark energy, the dark Neutrino
Quantum - Paradosso del gatto di Schrödinger - Wikipedia
Quantum - Physicists Just Found a New Quantum Paradox That Casts Doubt on a Pillar of Reality
Quantum - One of quantum physics’ greatest paradoxes may have lost its leading explanation
Incomplete Quantum Field Theory - What Is Quantum Field Theory and Why Is It Incomplete? | Quanta Magazine
The Real Problem with Quantum Mechanics -
Black hole information loss paradox - I stopped working on black hole information loss. Here’s why.
When Hubble Stared at Nothing for 100 Hours - “nothing” was actually stuffed with of galaxies. More than 3,000 of them came spilling out, some roughly 12 billion years old. Spiral, elliptical, irregular…
Physics - A Lopsided Merger
Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds -
Disambiguating the ‘Observable Universe’ – Sam Enright -
Thread by @MarkusDeserno on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App -
The Algebra of Grand Unified Theories -
The Magnetar - a neutron star with the strongest magnetic fields in the Universe, nature’s ultimate superweapon | Ars Technica\


Pythagoras theorem - This One Equation, 10² + 11² + 12² = 13² + 14², Takes Pythagoras To A Whole New Level
New Geometric Perspective Cracks Old Problem About Rectangles -
BASE Cinque - Appunti di Matematica Ricreativa - Didattica e divulgazione della matematica
Enigma machine simulator -
Enigma machine’s plugboard - a software emulator for the hardware plugboard that allowed for scrambling of characters at the input & output stages of the Enigma machine’s process
CindyJS - a framework to create interactive (mathematics and physics) content for the web
Mathematicians Report New Discovery About the Dodecahedron - Quanta Magazine
Simple wave-optical superpositions as prime number sieves -
Fourier Transform - An Interactive Guide – BetterExplained
Fourier Transform - An Interactive Introduction
Fourier Cube - The cuboid demonstrates the relationships between time and frequency domains
Graphtoy - create graph from math formulas
Rotations with quaternions -
The bivector algebra - What is the Inverse of a Vector?
Curves and Surfaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski -
An Ancient Geometry Problem Falls to New Mathematical Techniques | Quanta Magazine -
Sound – Bartosz Ciechanowski - \


The Cancer Industry - Overdiagnosis, overtreatment and marginal benefits for patients
Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research study finds honeybee venom rapidly kills aggressive breast cancer cells -
COVID-19 - The Animal Origins of Coronavirus and Flu
COVID-19 - Neurological disease from Covid-19
COVID-19 - Ospedali San Paolo e Carlo, parla un medico: ‘Inumano, noi e i pazienti abbandonati in una vera bolgia, ammassati come carne da macello’ - Il Fatto Quotidiano
COVID-19 - A Supercomputer’s Covid-19 Analysis Yields a New Way to Understand the Virus
COVID-19 - How does coronavirus kill? Covid-19 do a ferocious rampage through the body and it can extend to many organs including the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, gut, and brain
Influenza spagnola - Pandemia influenzale causata dal virus H1N1
Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic - A deep-learning model identifies a powerful new drug that can kill many species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Legalizzazione Cannabis e Big Pharma - la legalizzazione delle droghe leggere è un duro colpo per Big Pharma. Uno studio spiega perché - Il Fatto Quotidiano
Why We Have So Many Problems with Our Teeth -
A whopping 91% of plastic isn’t recycled - say national geographic
Japan to release Fukushima’s contaminated water into sea - reports | Reuters
The Earth Is Pulsating Every 26 Seconds - and Seismologists Don’t Agree Why
Diluting blood plasma rejuvenates tissue, reverses aging in mice - Plasma exchange could be the key to unlocking the body’s regenerative capacities
The poison found in everyone, even unborn babies - and who is responsible for it | Environment | The Guardian
FuelCellsWorks - Photocatalyst that can Split Water into Hydrogen and oxygen at a Quantum Efficiency Close to 100%
Reversing The Aging Clock With Epigenetic Reprogramming -
Humans Used to Sleep in Two Shifts, And Maybe We Should Do It Again -
Cardiopatie - Dottor Oppido - Unità operativa complessa di Cardiologia del Monaldi - YouTube
vanadium battery technology - The U.S. made a breakthrough battery discovery, then gave the technology to China
sun exposure - exposing skin to sunlight lower blood pressure and activate nitric oxide production - Outside Online\


OpenLitterMap - Share what you see about trash, litter, brands and plastic pollution
Learning Music (Beta) - Learn making music
Alcohol breath tests unreliable - New York Times investigation found Alcohol breath tests are often unreliable and can put you in jail. It suggest don’t trust them
desalination - Drinkable water extracted with solar-powered desalination system | E&T Magazine
DRM Broke Its Promise - DRM like feudalism
QiFi - WiFi QR Code Generator
OpenSpace - an open source visualization tool to visualize the environment of other planets, such as Mars and Jupiter, galaxies, and more
Felicette - Generate satellite earth imagery(in JPEG) from coordinates/location name with publicly available satellite data
100,000 Stars - A tour from our Sun to the far away stars of our Milky Way Galaxy
NASA World Wind - a geospatial web application for visualizing Earth
PhotoRec IT - Digital Picture and File Recovery
leandromoreira/ffmpeg-libav-tutorial FFmpeg libav tutorial - learn how media works from basic to transmuxing, transcoding and more
How color theories are based ? - RYB CMYK and RGB models - DEV Community
Realtime earthquake warning - Seconds before a 6.2 earthquake rattled California, phones got a vital warning | California | The Guardian
Unaffordable expense - Don’t build another Large Hadron Collider - Big Think
Microsoft Pluton - The dangers of (updated) – Gabriel Sieben
polyaramide - MIT Engineers Create the “Impossible” New Material That Is Stronger Than Steel and As Light as Plastic
Costo teleriscaldamento - Caro energia, per chi ha scelto il teleriscaldamento bollette triplicate. Così la promessa del risparmio (grazie a rifiuti e rinnovabili) si è trasformata in trappola - Il Fatto Quotidiano\


Secessio plebis - Per ottenere una parificazione di diritti con i patrizi, la plebe effettuava una secessione, ovvero abbandonava in massa la città e rendeva impossibile convocare le leve militari tra i plebei.
Nsibidi - a 4,000 years old system of symbols indigenous to what is now southeastern Nigeria that are apparently pictograms, though there
Remote learning via Radio instruction - in the 1937 polio epidemic
La stella rossa - un romanzo di fantascienza dello scrittore russo Aleksandr Bogdanov,
The Sound So Loud That It Circled the Earth Four Times - The 1883 eruption on Krakatoa island
The Little-Known Story of Violet Gibson - the Irish Woman Who Shot Mussolini | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
The Fine Art of Italian Hand Gestures - A Vintage Visual Dictionary by Bruno Munari – The Marginalian\

Games - Build automated factories to build, combine and color shapes!
HaxBall - physics-based multiplayer soccer game where teamwork is key
Gran Sasso videogame - Un videogioco ambientato 400m sotto le roccie nei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell’Istituto di Fisica Nucleare per avvicinare gli studenti delle superiori alle frontiere della fisica.
Anarch - an experimental game from 1990. No build system, library, internet connection or package manager is inherently required for compilation as the whole game is written in pure C language
Fire_and_Ice_1993 - DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: FIRE
PrinceJS - Prince of Persia\